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Trend Forecasting: Our 2024 Hiring Predictions

We’re ringing in the new year with 2024 hiring predictions that we think will influence the hiring market for the next 12 months. We’ve done the hard work for you and collated all the best trends and insights directly from the source itself - people in the workforce; 1,000 people to be exact! The 23/24 Talent Guide features more than 100 statistics on the things that matter to people in the workplace, so without further ado, let's jump into the trends that we think will define the hiring market in 2024.


Salary will be the number one priority for job seekers

More than 60% of respondents in the Talent Guide told us salary was one of the top 3 factors that would attract them to a new role, and respondents ranked salary as the number 1 reason they left their previous role. The rising cost of living will continue to influence all stages of the employment life cycle. Whether it’s candidates searching for their next opportunity or a long-term employee looking to progress in their role -  salary will be top of mind for anyone making career decisions in the next 12 months.


Forget a sea change, career changes are in

More than 30% of respondents in the Talent Guide told us they’ve considered moving into a new career profession, with some saying factors like work/life balance, burnout, and climate change as the reasons behind their thought process. Long gone are the days of 40-year-long careers in one profession. With thousands of ways to learn new skills online and the freedom to work whenever and wherever in the world, the possibilities are literally endless when thinking about changing careers. Unless you’re moving into a highly technical profession like medicine or engineering, soft professional skills are very transferrable, making career hopping more viable than ever before.  


Employees will expect better wellbeing and health offerings from their employers

More than 50% of Gen Z respondents said they experienced anxiety in the last 12 months, and more than 35% of respondents said that burnout impacted their ability to perform in their roles. These statistics are concerning, considering 65% of respondents said their workplace has a wellbeing program in place. Employers will need to level up their wellbeing and health offerings and work on building strong foundations around open communication, psychological safety, and basic health and wellbeing principles in the workplace.  


These trends scratch the surface when it comes to the expectations and priorities of working Australians for the next 12 months. Want to dive deeper? To read more than 100 statistics from over 1,000 respondents, download the Talent Guide here.

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