Privacy Policy & Collection Statement

Talentpath treats the handling of your personal information seriously and is committed to providing quality services to you. Talentpath manages personal information in accordance with all relevant legislation. Accordingly, the purpose of this policy is to ensure the protection of your privacy in relation to the handling of your personal information in compliance with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Privacy Act) for all our business across Australia.  This Privacy Policy and Collection Statement explains how we collect information, including your personal information, and how we maintain, use and disclose that information. It also provides some details about your privacy rights along with our general rights and obligations in relation to the information we keep on record.


Talentpath only collects information that is reasonably necessary for our activities or functions. The personal information that may be collected varies depending on whether you are:

  • A Job Seeker

  • A Client

  • A Referee

  • A Visitor on the Talentpath webpage


The type of information that we typically collect and hold about Job Seekers is information that is necessary to assess the amenability to work offers and work availability; suitability for placements; or to manage the performance in work obtained through us. This personal information may be disclosed to other areas within the business for administrative purposes and for the progression of your application. All confidential information will be used for legitimate purposes in accordance with relevant legislation. Please note that we may decline collecting unsolicited personal information and take steps to purge it from our systems.

Personal information that may be collected includes:

·       Information about your past employment

·       Information about your employment aspirations and expectations

·       References

·       Confirmation of employment

·       Confirmation of past performance

·       Your eligibility to work within Australia and Photo ID to match work rights (if required)

·       Your income expectations

·       Your geographical location

·       Information about, and copies of your qualifications, skills, and capabilities  

·       Information about any professional registrations or memberships you may have.

·       Information contained in documents that you provide during our recruitment process.

·       Employees taxation, banking, and superannuation details upon confirmation of a temporary assignment


The type of information that we collect and hold about Clients is information that is required for us to help manage and deliver our services. This can include:

·       Information about your workplace that is relevant to recruitment projects.

·       Information about your recruitment needs, including the experience and skills required.

·       Information that you provide to us in your job description.

·       Information that you provide to us in meetings, discussions, and consultations.

·       Information about your recruitment and onboarding process.

·       Information about your company policies and work-place safety practices.

·       Information contained in documents that you provide during our recruitment process.

·       Details of employees of your organisation and their contact details.  


Talentpath completes references for candidates to verify their skills, employment and suitability for jobs or types of work. The types of information that we request includes:

·       Your title and organisation that you work for.

·       Information on how we can contact you to conduct a reference check including phone number and email.

·       Information about whether you disagreed or agreed to function as a referee on the occasion if relevant to the recruitment process.

·       Once completed, a reference will be held on our Information Record System.

All reasonable attempts will be made to keep this information relevant, complete, and current. You must ensure that any personal information provided is accurate and current.


The means by which we will generally collect your personal information is likely to differ depending on whether you are:

•      A Job Seeker

•      A Client

•      A Referee

We sometimes collect information from third parties and publicly available sources when it is necessary for a specific purpose such as checking information that you have given us, or where you have consented, or would reasonably expect us to collect your personal information in this way.


Personal information will be collected from you directly when you fill out and submit one of our registration forms, apply online, email your information directly to us, or provide us with any other information in connection with your application to us for work.

Personal information is also collected when:

•      You provide us your information online or via email.

•      During telephone discussions relevant to your work placement wants, needs and requirements.

•      We undertake reference checking.

•      We undertake confirmation of employment procedures.

•      We undertake qualification and professional registration confirmation processes.

We may also collect personal information about you from a range of publicly available sources, including newspapers, journals, directories, the Internet, and social media sites. When we collect personal information about you from publicly available sources for inclusion in our records, we will manage the information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles APP and our Privacy Policy.


Personal information about you may be collected when:

•      You provide it to us for business- or business-related social purposes.

•      You engage Talentpath as a recruitment provider.

•      You enquire about Talentpath’s recruitment service.

•      Talentpath prepares, submits, or considers a tender or bid process with your organisation.

We may also collect personal information about you from a range of publicly available sources, including newspapers, journals, directories, the Internet, and social media sites. When we collect personal information about you from publicly available sources for inclusion in our records, we will manage the information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles APP and our Privacy Policy. 


Personal information about you may be collected when you provide it to us:

•      While checking Job Seeker references with you.

•      When we are checking information that we obtain from you about Job Seekers.

We may also collect personal information about you from a range of publicly available sources, including newspapers, journals, directories, the Internet, and social media sites. When we collect personal information about you from publicly available sources for inclusion in our records, we will manage the information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles APP and our Privacy Policy.


Personal information is held in our Information Record System until it is no longer needed for any purpose for which it may be used or disclosed, at which time it will be de-identified or destroyed, provided that it is lawful for us to do so.  We take a range of measures to protect your personal information from:

•      Misuse, interference, and loss.

•      Unauthorised access, modification, or disclosure.

We take all reasonable steps to ensure our Information Record System is compliant and secure:

•      Personal information is stored in a secure cloud facility, accessed only with an authorised log in and password.

Talentpath may, in some circumstances, store your Personal information in servers located overseas due to our server administrators of our email services, database servers, and cloud storage being located internationally.


We may disclose your personal information for any of the purposes for which it is primarily held or for a lawful related purpose. We may disclose your personal information where we are under a legal duty to do so.  

Your personal and sensitive information may be disclosed to:

·       Potential and actual employers and clients of Talentpath

·       Other members of the Talentpath group

·       Government bodies where we are legally required to do so.

·       Our insurers

·       Superannuation services

·       A professional association or registration body that has a proper interest in the disclosure of your personal and sensitive information.

·       A workers compensation body

·       Our contractors and suppliers – e.g., our I.T. contractors, database designers and software solutions providers.

·       Any person with a lawful entitlement to obtain the information.


We collect anonymous data during your visit to the Talentpath website, including the time and date of your visit, the server and IP address from which you originate your connection, the website you visited, and the content you accessed and downloaded. Only statistical and administrative purposes, including error recording, are accomplished with the collected data, which cannot be directly associated with an individual. The information solely pertains to your usage of our website and cannot be used to determine who you are. This data can assist us in identifying the sections of our website that provide the greatest value to our visitors. Talentpath does not endeavour to discern the identities of users or track their browsing activities.

We do collect certain personal information from you if you complete a form on our website or request one of our resources from our website.  You voluntarily provide this information by entering your details. The requested information may comprise fundamental personal particulars such as one's name, address, telephone number, and email address, among others. This information is recorded in our Information Record System. You accept and acknowledge our Privacy Statement and Collection Policy by providing your personal information in this manner.

Without your express consent or as required by law, we will not disclose any information gathered about your visit to our website or any personal information you provide to any organisation other than Talentpath.

You may occasionally forward us an email through the contact link on our website. Your information will be utilised exclusively for the intended purpose as specified in this email.


Your personal information may be used by Talentpath to identify programs, products, and services that may be of interest to you. Talentpath may use your personal information to send you information about the company's products, programs, and services, as well as those offered by its business partners. If you do not want to receive direct marketing information from Talentpath, as mentioned in this section, please let us know by utilising the unsubscribe button in the communication you receive, or by contacting us using the information provided above. Talentpath will take urgent action to guarantee that you do not receive any direct marketing information in the future.


If you decline to provide the information that we need, please note that:

·       We may be limited in our ability to find you suitable work.

·       We may be limited in our ability to place you in work.

·       We may be limited in our ability to provide you with recruitment services.


You may request access to or update or to delete your personal information held at Talentpath by contacting the Talentpath Privacy Officer as set out below. We may ask to verify your identity and for more information about your request. Where we are legally permitted to do so, we may refuse your request and give you reasons for doing so. Where you request your personal information to be updated and there is a dispute about the facts, we will make a note on your personal information of such dispute. You may also request that Talentpath stops using your information and contacting you and we will comply with your request (for example if at any time you would prefer to stop receiving newsletters and updates from us, please use the “unsubscribe” option included in the email or other material). However, if this involves a request for deletion of your file, please be aware that we may not be required or able to do so, particularly where your file also holds information about our clients or where we are legally bound to hold onto this information.


At Talentpath we aim to acknowledge receipt as soon as possible and commit to resolve all complaints no later than 30 days. However, there may be instances where this is not possible due to the contents of the complaint. In such circumstances, we will respond to your complaint in a reasonable and practical time. You may wish to contact the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) if you are not satisfied with our respond to your complaint. Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

 If you have a complaint, please email us at


If you wish to contact us about your personal information you should contact us on 1300 768 358 or during normal office hours, which are Monday to Friday 7.30am – 5.30pm.