
Read Time: 4 min

Author: Rosanna Allan


How to Use the Talent Guide to Elevate Your Hiring and Career Decisions

Those who have been around since the inception of Talentpath's Talent Guide in 2018 will be familiar with how valuable this tool is when it comes to informing market trends across several corporate industries.

If this is your first time getting your hands on the Talent Guide, this article is the perfect breakdown of how to get the most out of the guide. Whether you’re a hiring manager searching for top talent in a candidate-tight market or an employee looking to progress your career, the Talent Guide is your ultimate blueprint for navigating the workforce.

What is the Talent Guide?

The Talent Guide is an annual publication that is released in the first quarter of each financial year, based on survey responses from thousands of participants across the country. The Talent Guide was made to be more than just a salary guide - it provides insight from both employees and employers on attraction and retention factors, Learning & Development, culture and more.

These insights are split up into the following divisions:

  • Human Resources & Talent Acquisition

  • Business Services

  • Customer Experience

  • Sales

  • Marketing & Digital

  • Accounting & Finance

  • Projects & Technology

  • Property & Construction

What information would I find in the Talent Guide?

As well as insights, the Talent Guide amplifies the expertise of industry professionals on relevant topics in the 'Focus' and 'Spotlight' features. This year the Focus is on the Right to Disconnect law and the Spotlight is on Learning & Development.

Reading thought-provoking statistics on a page is one thing, hearing insights first-hand is another, that’s why in each division we include stories from incredible talent we’ve worked with throughout the year. Their stories are a platform to hear about their experiences and career journey. Get ready to be inspired!

I'm an employer/hiring manager, how do I get the most out of the guide?

Using the Talent Guide has the capacity to influence your hiring practices for the better! It's a blueprint for understanding the motivators behind your future talent and how to attract AND retain them. The steps below will inform you on how to use the Guide to your advantage.

  1. Identify the relevant statistics: what are the drivers for attracting and retaining top talent? Are these consistent with what you're offering?

  2. Use the salary guide: the salary guide is a great indicator for your business in terms of alignment with the market - is this working in your favour? Can you use this for workforce and budget planning, especially if salary is a key factor in retaining employees?

  3. Capitalise on the advice in the Focus and Spotlight sections: these sections are GOLD - they provide tangible strategies on how you can keep ahead of the game with relevant legislation and career development.

 I'm an employee, how do I get the most out of the guide?

 The Talent Guide is an incredible way for you to understand the landscape of your relevant industry. Once you've located your industry (and industries you're interested in), use the following as a framework to get the most out of this resource:

  1. Familiarise yourself with the stats: this can help you understand the market and drivers to stay or leave a position

  2. Use the salary guide: this can inform your next raise and help you understand the earning potential of your career pathway

  3. Read the stories: these stories provide incredible advice and insight into their career pathways. The Focus and Spotlight sections also include tangible tools for employees regarding disconnecting from work and boosting your development in the workplace.


Ready to dive into this year’s Talent Guide? Download your copy here.

Of course, if you want to know more about our Talent Guide and how it can influence your business, get in touch! Our Recruitment and Talent Partners would love to share how you can use the Guide to influence the attraction and retention of your workforce!

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